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Support Services

This may be the most important service a business of any size can invest in: 24/7 access to answers regarding any aspect of your technology systems. Be it a question about your company email or a server outage, all requests are made to one team, eliminating the need to fumble around for the proper number or get frustrated with a confusing phone tree.

Desktop Support
Tier 1, 2, 3 support resources to help with any technical computer issue either remotely or on-site for your end users. We offer support for both Windows and Mac environments.
Server Support
We offer server deployment, migration and emergency troubleshooting support for all common server environments including Microsoft, Apple and Linux.
Network Support
Wifi too slow? Can't connect to that printer? Network troubleshooting and repair services are available through the helpdesk to get you connected. FAST.
Voice Support
We can coordinate VOIP and SIP solutions, from line porting to maintenance and installation. Experience HD voice calls and advanced call handling today!
Mobile Device Support
Mobile phones and tablets can be valubale resources when you are out of the office; we can keep them connected to your business resources and policies.
Deployment Support
Planning and installation support for new and renovated facilities. We can help make your office look great.

  • Pricing

    Work Type Average Price
    Remote Technical Support As low as $75 / hour
    On-site Technical Support $95 / hour (one hour minimum, plus applicable travel and expenses)
    Server Support $110 / hour
    Tier 1 Support $80 / hour
    Tier 2 Support $100 / hour
    Tier 3 Support $120 / hour
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How does this work? What is a ticket?
    The Spot Tech helpdesk is a combination of three resources: telephone, ticketing and remote access. When you have technical support request we ask that you open a ticket with the helpdesk via email, telephone, or the web. The ticketing system serves as the key point of contact between you and your Spot Technician; it creates a log of all of our communications regarding your case (and any former cases) and distributes emails on behalf of our technical staff. We will troubleshoot with you via email, telephone or remote access to your desktop until your issue is resolved to your satisfaction. Most cases can be resolved immediately, but more severe cases may require a higher level of support, requiring an "escalation" to the next level for more in-depth troubleshooting. Once we have found the cause and applied the necessary fixes we will, with your permission, "close" your case.
    Do I need a subscription?
    No, but we do offer unlimited monthly helpdesk subscriptions. Otherwise, all work is subject to the hourly rates above.
    What happens if you can't fix it?
    It's rare. But it happens. We will be happy to guide you through the process to replace your device, though, standard hourly rates do apply.